Monday & Thursday Prince George Courthouse (Fort Lee) Rides
Pace Time Miles Terrain Stops Leader
A/B+/B 5:30 pm 22-34 4 None Chip England, (through May 8, self-led afterwards)

Description and Directions: Rides depart weekly on Mondays at 5:30 pm from the Prince George County Courthouse parking lot (Laurel Springs Road & Courts Drive). It's a mostly level rural ride with a few gentle hills. Currently riding A, B+, and/or B paces with other paces welcome to form. Route option distances average between 22 to 34 miles.

The routes vary from week to week selected by the ride leader. Routes start and end at the Prince George County Courthouse parking lot (public restrooms available). The slower pace groups may ride one of the shorter options and the faster pace groups will ride one of the longer options so that everyone finishes around the same time. Pace groups will be spaced out at the ride start to avoid large groups of cyclists on the road.

Paper cue sheets are not provided. You should print your own cue sheet prior to coming to the ride. GPX files and cue sheets are available on the RABA website, or provided by contacting the ride leader. New members and those just getting started (or re-started) with cycling are encouraged to come out. You will not be dropped and left behind.

Ride Paces: A: 18-20 mph B+: 16-18 mph B: 14-16 mph C: 12-14 mph D: 8-12 mph