RABA Meeting: Cycling Mythbusters- March 18, 2019

What:  Cycling Mythbusters
When:  Monday, March 18, 6 PM
Where: InMotion Physical Therapy, 5711 S. Laburnum Ave, Richmond, VA 23231
Presenter:  Erik Lineberry, DPT
Over the years, some ideas take root about bicyclists, bicycling, bicycling parts or materials.  For instance, shorter crank arms allow a cyclist to spin more, which is very good form – we’ve all been told that a higher cadence is better than lower. 

But is this really true that shorter crank arms help with spinning?  Erik Lineberry, DPT, would like to re-educate and tell us what is really true.  Come out and hear what we thought was true and how that has evolved to be not true.  This is a RABA members only event.
In past meetings at InMotion, the business owner has provided light refreshments and a special discounted deal just for attendees!  Who knows, InMotion may give a great price on some service to attendees and attendees only like a big discount on bike fittings.  To help our host plan for the meeting, please register by Friday, March 15 at:  https://www.viethconsulting.com/members/evr/reg_event.php?orgcode=RABA&evid=20798119
Reminder:  a confirmation email is sent to every successful registrant.  If you don’t immediately receive an email confirmation, that means that your registration did not go through.  Please try again!

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